Friday, May 1, 2009

May 1, 2009

I've got men walking around on my roof, they are working on my cooler, very loud! Hope they don't fall off, lol. Our little house has a steep roof, and it is slippery and made of metal!

It was a high of 90F today with a nice little breeze. After a quick trip to the store, I have been watching Westerns all day. Just like a Saturday. Life is hard, lol.

Tomorrow is a good day to pick up some tomato plants. We should have a nice weekend, hope the same is for you.


Jim said...

you have a swamp cooler? I love swamp coolers! impossible to explain to people who have not lived in a dry area.

locker<-- first time I've had a real word, it might be a sign, think I'll go buy a lotto ticket

Teresa said...
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Teresa said...

We just planted our tomatoes yesterday. We also planted some herbs too. I love Spring!

moni said...

Jim - I do have a swamp cooler and I love it. Our humidity runs around 6-10% this time of year and I don't like air-conditioning. Forced air makes me too cold!!

Teresa - we planted our tomatoes today and lots of onions too. I love Spring but by week's end we will be in the mid to upper 90s. Spring does not last long in these parts.