Tonight is the Biden/Palin debate. They both just make a lot of "gaffes", lol. Joe of course is older and wiser, but he still says a lot of stuff that is nonsense. It seems as if he has always done this, so no one pays much attention. Palin was so nervous with Couric, she just has to do better. After watching those clips many times on tv, I actually began to feel sorry for her. She must have had a really bad day and couldn't concentrate. She just blanked out!
Joe can be very funny at times.:) He just says anything that pops into his head. I don't think he takes debates very seriously and that is probably best.
Our weather is perfect. Beautiful sunshine, cool nights, perfect. Seems as if our area may benefit from the NRG crisis, several different solar panel companies have taken out leases on lots of acres around here for future solar farms. New Mexico already benefits from large federal land leases that are used for potential oil exploration. Keeps NM solvent, lol.
We just returned from shopping at our local supermarket, Peppers. Once a month they have a really good sale, so we took advantage of it today, and got some bargains.
Well, this debate has got to be fun, so I plan to sit back with my diet coke and enjoy it. I hope neither of these people take the whole thing too seriously.