Friday, January 8, 2010

Looking for Spring!

It won't be long and Spring will be here. No more cold weather, ice or snow. It is a shame the damage the cold is doing in Florida and also in the southern cities of New Orleans and Houston. All that pretty tropical vegetation is taking a beating.

Our highs for the next 10 days will be in the upper 50s. Stewart lives in Tucson and you can figure his temps will be at least 15F higher than ours! Some of our local crops are still not harvested due to the ground being wet. Mainly, the Pecan crop which should have been over and done with by now. The paper says that our Pecans will be harvested and immediately put on a ship heading to China. Well, by boxcar, then shipped out. New Mexico is second in the production of Pecans, with Georgia being 1st and Texas being 3rd. Although, there have been many new trees planted the past few years in our area.

I sure hope that the rest of the country gets a break from the awful weather, and soon. I worry about the poor little critters that have to live outside and fend for themselves.

1 comment:

Lynilu said...

I'm ready for some warmer temps, too.AS I've said, I like cool weather, but it doesn't usually last this long. It's getting old!
I believe the wildlife agrees. I feed the wild birds, and I've been especially diligent about it with such a deep snow cover as you have had. They've gone through the better part of 50# in less than 2 weeks!!