I love that it is 2009 because last year was not a very good year by anyone's standards. We have a brand new great-grandson, Owen, who is an adorable,and I think he will probably have a normal lifespan of 100 years. Babies born this year should expect to live to 100 if nothing interferes, like accidents. It is comforting to know that even as one ages, life continues.
We have a lovely sunny day today and we should have a good week weather wise. In the 60s except for Sun. & Mon. when it will be in the 50s, then back to 60s. The best thing about January, is that Spring arrives in this part of the world in February, lol. That is when the cottonwoods start greening up.
I am glad that the holidays are over even though I did enjoy them. Now back to my normal (dull) daily routines. Today I am doing laundry. pretty routine all right, lol. Next week I can start my library trips again.
No more holidays, but there is the Inauguration, we will enjoy watching that on TV. That's about the extent of our involvement. Wishing Obama the best of luck.