Monday, November 24, 2008

Rain for Thanksgiving :(

I guess it will rain Thursday and Friday this week. No matter, we aren't going anywhere.I see that Tuesday and Wednesday it will rain in California. I don't think rain is a good thing for Thanksgiving, snow maybe, but rain just doesn't do it. Of course, we rarely get rain so maybe the novelty will improve my mood. Mainly, we like to sit on our front porch for dessert. I like putting my pies, etc. on the table on the front porch so it is handy. Can't do that when it is too cold. Oh well, :(

Hope all is well out there, enjoy the holidays!!!


Unknown said...

Happy Thanksgiving! One more day of work and then 4 days off ! Yah!

moni said...


Unknown said...

Thanks for the link to Farn Girl. There's a wealth of info on her sites.

Jim said...

gobble, gobble

the Baitlady said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!! I hope you and Floyd have a wonderful day!