Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Happy Days!

This little sun says it all! We are predicted to have 70s all week and you all know how I enjoy the heat. We have had an especially wet winter and I hope it guarantees the farmers a good season, especially the Pecan farmers.

This is a great month because the time changes here and that will provide us with an additional hour of warm weather each day. Also, Spring begins and in this part of the country, our weather warms before the official start of Spring. I remember when I lived in the midwest, Spring would start and sometimes it would snow, at any rate, it was never really warm. I am so glad we moved to the southwest.


Lynilu said...

Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!!

~mel said...

Send me some of that sunshine!!! It was so dreary driving back up north into snow country again. I really enjoyed my time in Texas; but was a little disappointed that we didn't venture through New Mexico and Colorado ~ but that will be our next detour I'm sure. Have a great day Moni ~ and enjoy your beautiful weather!!

Jim said...

Moni -- please send your address to itsjim@itsjim.com -- Win7 ate my hard drive!

etringly -- feeling tringly while online