Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Our lovely Springtime weather has gone away for a few days. Last night the wind howled around the house and made me snuggle under the covers, even covered up my head! A dusting of snow was on the ground this morning, but soon burned away. The winds have been the culprit, blowing 17-20 mph and very cold.Floyd and the dogs have been outside for most of the day. Not me, I am so cold natured that I wouldn't last very long out there. Oh hurry warm weather !!!


Lynilu said...

I didn't have overnight wind, but I got at least 8 inches of snow. It blew hard in the late afternoon, then died off. My high so far is right now, 26°. Tomorrow begins a long run of 40s and 50s, so you should have nice warm days. Just hang on, Moni! It's comin'!!

moni said...

Thanks Lyn ..I should have stayed in southern California but really when we retired, we were priced out, and I love the wide open spaces of New Mexico. It had been years since I couldn't plant flowers year 'round, having a hard time adjusting..well, that's the understatement of the year, lol