Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hurricane Ike

We have been watching the television coverage of hurricane Ike. I lived in Houston years ago and belong to a couple of Houston Forums, so I have internet friends there. Also my good friend from high school lives in East Texas. She was worried about losing power as they had predicted 80 mile per/hr winds, but I see on the Houston Station KHOU-TV, that only Tropical Storm strength winds would be in her area. Houston had their TV Station going network for the duration of the hurricane. One of my favorite authors, Bill Crider lives in Alvin, and they were hit pretty hard. Luckily everyone I know is ok.

I have fond memories of Houston as my days there were happy ones.


Jim said...

OFF TOPIC -- what a great picture at the top of your page!

moni said...

I like it too. That road is Spring Canyon Road and is about 10 minutes from our house. We have lots of "wild open spaces".

moni said...

I mean't "wide" open spaces, but probably wild too, lol.

mybillcrider said...

Thanks for thinking of me, Moni. We're doing okay, but we're in temporary (we hope) exile because we don't have electrical power in the house. Maybe it will be restored soon.