My son came to see me on my birthday. He lives in Tucson, Az. He brought me a brand new 32" vizio tv for my bedroom, it was a gift from him and his two sisters, Phyllis and Teresa, and included a lovely card. Phyllis also ordered me a special birthday cake from Peppers and so it was a very festive day for me. Floyd gave me a pretty red BHG Coffeemaker and some Candy and Patsy sent lovely flowers and candy, what a day!
Anyway, Stew hooked the tv up for me and took away the little one that I had. Then he fixed me a nice breakfast and bought us all food for dinner from Amigos. Really special and it helps being old and sickly much better.:) I just love the TV.
So my oxygen is working great at night and so far I haven't needed it during the day, only sometimes in the evening when I go rest and hook myself up, lol. Also I have had computer problems, but many people gave me good tips and I finally am ok with the computer, the problem turned out to be Internet Explorer 9 beta, which apparently never installed properly. I am so glad that I don't need to purchase a new one.
Also our little kitty kitty had surgery Thursday. She was spayed and got her annual shots. We take her back on Dec. 8th for booster shots and she will be good for a year. She is so sweet and today she is acting like herself again, just chasing the dogs all over the place,:)
Hope you all enjoy your Thanksgiving. We plan a rather scaled down meal with Turkey and all. Just the two of us plus the kiddos. Just a nice quiet day so I can have naps and floyd can just relax and do his thing.